Tel: +86 18933248858
X99-P4-V1.0 desktop motherboard Intel LGA2011-3 Series processor
A320-DS4-V1.0 desktop motherboard A320 Chipset series
H610-D4 H610 Chipset desktop motherboard
X99-A3-V1.1 desktop motherboard Intel Xeon E5 LGA2011-3 Processor of needle and foot
X99-P33-V1.1 Desktop motherboard The Intel Intel Xeon E5 LGA2011-3 pin series processor
X99-VG201-V1.0 desktop motherboard The Intel Xeon E5 LGA2011-3-series processor
X99-VG101-V1.0 desktop motherboard PRODUCT PROFILE PRODUCT NAME X99-VG101-V1.0 desktop
X99-DM3-V3.1 Desktop motherboard The Intel Xeon E5 LGA2011-V3 pin-series processor
X99-P3-V5.0 desktop motherboard Intel Xeon E5 LGA2011-3 Processor of needle and foot
X99-P8D3-V1.0 desktop motherboard Intel LGA2011 Pin-series processor
X99-V205-V1.0 Intel Xeon E5 LGA2011-3 Processor of needle and foot
AB-H61M-VH-V3.0 Intel Celeron/Pentium/Core I3/I5/I7 LGA1155 Pin series processor
Contact: Tom
Phone: +86 18933248858
Whatsapp:+86 18933248858
Add: Floor 301 401 501, Building 3, Huaguan Industrial Park,No. 63, Zhangqi Road, Guixiang Community, Guanlan Street,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
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